About Us

Welcome To Our College!

degree programe in order to best prepare students to contribute to a diverse, complex and fast-changing world. We produce Education professionals, academics, and entrepreneurs who embody the ideals of competence quality consciousness and human values. We develop experts in education equipping our students to become tomorrow’s leaders in industry, academy, and government. We consistently provide our students with the most progressive, relevant, and well-rounded academic programs, supporting their learning through the availability of advanced and extensive resources.

We foster an environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge. We encourage the professional development of our faculty through involvement in scholarly, significant and relevant research, the attainment of advanced degrees, participation in professional pursuits, exposure to multiple disciplines, and the establishment of strong linkages with the private sector, the government and the global academic community. We ensure that all our faculty members possess proficiency to fulfill the roles of teachers, researchers, and professionals. We are a prime mover in our country’s technological advancement and its partner in nation-building.

Chairman Message!

Quality education for Nation’s Growth”. We aim to provide specific need based education and train-ing opportunities for continuousprofessional development and all round education to each student through enjoyable and innovative curriculum by giving individual guidance to each student teacher “Who is going to Mould our future citizens of India”. To fulfill the demands and needs of the nation. To develop national and social integrity. To provide education for peace and for international understanding. The College has a Career and Placement Training Cell that provides students with information regarding employment opportunities and assists them to develop soft skills required by the job-market. As the College is committed to provide to all its students……

The college, some time face challenges like, identifying eligible and suitable staff, training them in the present context, change of syllabus, admissions, coverage of syllabus etc. But college over-comes with these challenges, with help of internal mechanism the college a strong governing body consists of highly educated and qualified members which helps in solving the problems of the college.

Manoj Kumar


Sl. No.NameOccupationDesignationContact No.
1.Manoj KumarBusinessChairman09718000007
2.Sanjeev KumarLecturerSecretery….
3.Dharampal SinghAdvocate….….
4.ChahatwatiHouse wife….….

Fee Structure

College charges fee from B.Ed Students as per State Govt. Norms, .

Rules and Regulations


College is recognised by National Council for Teachers Education (NRCNCTE), Jaipur